Semiconductor microelectronics involves the design, development, manufacture and sale of small electronic components and chips that are present in every modern technological device we use. Semiconductors play an important role in laptops, computers or smartphones.In recent years, as modern electronic devices have moved towards being lighter, thinner and smaller, semiconductors have also had to become smaller.As a result, semiconductor manufacturing processes require high efficiency, speed and more delicate operating procedures.
In the highly innovative semiconductor microelectronics industry, lasers play a crucial role in the infinite quest for smaller and more precise microcosms. In hardware precision machining, laser micromachining technology is able to perform high-precision machining steps on the smallest electrical and electronic materials, with machining efficiencies and quality levels to meet processing requirements, and is also widely used in the electronics industry due to its high efficiency, non-polluting, high-precision, and small heat-affected zone.